Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 407

Breakfast: @ 8.30 am
1 pack Nasi Lemak
Few pieces Cekodok
1 piece Lepat Pisang
400 ml H20 + 1/4 teaspoon Teamix Peach
400 ml H20

In between:
2 pieces Apam
1 small bottle Nutrigen Original Flavour

@ 11.10 am:
Few pieces Cekodok with Sambal sardin
1 glass Soy drink with brown sugar

Lunch: @ 1.30 pm
1/4 rice + 3 pieces Tempe goreng + small slices Telur Asin + few pieces Bendi masak asam pedas + ulam jantung with sambal belacan
1 glass Oren Cordial

@ 7.10 pm:
1 small plate Soto
2 slices Kek Coklat
1 glass Air Sarsi
400 ml H20 + 1/4 teaspoon Teamix Peach
400 ml H20

1 piece Ubi Ketuk

* Teamix: 0.8 liter
* H20: 0.8 liter